Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Bretonside what is the future?

Bretonside Bus & Coach Station
As I alluded to in the last post, I have a real problem with the inaction surrounding Bretonside Bus Station. We hear constantly in the local media about the regeneration plans for Plymouth. A new shopping centre, Millbay being re-generated, Colin Campbell Court and so on. Well that's fine, but where do a lot of visitors arrive at in the first place?

Easy answer
The Coach Station. So visitors arrive at this vibrant waterfront city and are greeted by a sad and tired old 60's Bus Station that should have been demolished years ago.

Question, would you catch a bus from there, I wouldn't.

The City Council will tell you that it is all Henry Boot's fault, they had a contract and didn't do anything. The Contractor may tell a different story, but does it matter. The fact is nothing has been done and someone should pick it all up again and make positive efforts for something to happen.

For a start any new transport interchange (it sounds better than bus station) should have the capacity so that some if not the majority of buses currently using Royal Parade as a change-over stop should use it.

There should be a dedicated link operating at frequent intervals from the Railway Station, these vehicles should have the capacity to be able to move shoppers also directly to the transport interchange, freeing up the traffic on Royal Parade. There is no reason why an ftr type of vehicle could not be utilised.

This debated needs to be aired and considered at the moment it appears just to be drifting away. Public Transport is not just about the type of bus used, it has got to be seen as part of a larger strategic framework for the City. Oh yes, and finally, will someone please rebuild the bridge "cherry picked" near the station, it's only a matter of time before a fatality occurs.

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